Why the Exchange of Ideas and Emotions is Essential for Humans

A recent study provides fascinating insights into the evolution of human consciousness. Surprisingly, the research suggests that our consciousness did >>>

Investment in the Future: VR Gives Wings and Accelerates Developments

Innovation and efficiency are redefining our work life, and one thing is clear: traditional educational approaches are often no longer sufficient. >>>

What’s the
best part
of something?

Scope for thought

N° 47

Leading with Empathy

Let’s start a thought experiment: Imagine a company as a living organism that continuously adapts and evolves with changes. How can >>>

Why the Exchange of Ideas and Emotions is Essential for Humans

A recent study provides fascinating insights into the evolution of human consciousness. Surprisingly, the research suggests that our consciousness did >>>

If you
were your
best friend,
what advice
would you have
for yourself?

N° 76

Investment in the Future: VR Gives Wings and Accelerates Developments

Innovation and efficiency are redefining our work life, and one thing is clear: traditional educational approaches are often no longer sufficient. >>>

Claudia Gilhofer
31. March 2015

Creativity under Tension: Not ‘Either/Or’ but ‘Both/And’

The eternal chicken-and-egg problem. When viewed from different angles, every problem, every opposition, can transform into a wonderful idea generator. Positive tension management is a key to creativity,’ says Prof. Bruno Buchberger, one of Austria’s most prominent researchers. Speaking at a joint event organized by the Chamber of Labor, Kepler Society, and forum – University of Arts Linz, he passionately discussed the dynamic state of creativity, through which ideas become possible.

One should not choose either A or B but should be enthusiastic about both A and B! He challenges us: ‘Create opposites. This greatly expands the creative space of possibilities… The goal is to invent the chicken and the egg at the same time, just on a smaller scale. That’s the spiral of growth—the high art of creativity.’ Enthusiasm is our engine for change. But it also requires the balance of opposing forces: tension and relaxation, to generate sustainable ideas.

Prof. Bruno Buchberger is a visionary with innovative ideas and inspiring concepts for sustainable development in Upper Austria. His latest project, ‘Linz 20,000,’ requires room for development and hopes for strong support from politics, culture, and business, so that this vision can become reality. A wise mind thinking about tomorrow. What a gain—because the future is made today.


Bruno Buchberger, Dr.phil. Dr.h.c.mult.: Mathematician, musician, manager, and visionary—founder and longtime head of the Institute for Symbolic Computation (RISC) at Johannes Kepler University (JKU) Linz and the JKU Software Park Hagenberg. He was named Austrian of the Year in 2010 and Upper Austrian of the Year in 2013. In October 2014, he was awarded the highest honor for scientific and artistic achievements by Federal President Dr. Heinz Fischer: the Austrian Cross of Honor for Science and Art.

In his seminars, he provides insights into inventing and building innovative systems with positive tension management (‘From 0 to 100’) and teaches clear thinking, clear speaking, and clear action (‘The Art of Explanation’).





never stop evolving.
stay human.

[ Communication | Human | Brand ]




gil com | creative identity and beyond
For connecting communication + promoting personal growth, brand authenticity, a motivating corporate culture, and opening up new spaces for creative thinking.

Claudia Gilhofer:
Creative Planner, Communication Psychologist in Training, Systemic Business Coach, Facilitator, Mentor, Sparring Partner, VR Expert (XR-C)




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