what you
also bring
you joy?e


Scope for thought

N° 1

Why the Exchange of Ideas and Emotions is Essential for Humans

A recent study provides fascinating insights into the evolution of human consciousness. Surprisingly, the research suggests that our consciousness did >>>

Investment in the Future: VR Gives Wings and Accelerates Developments

Innovation and efficiency are redefining our work life, and one thing is clear: traditional educational approaches are often no longer sufficient. >>>

Leading with Empathy

Let’s start a thought experiment: Imagine a company as a living organism that continuously adapts and evolves with changes. How can >>>

Why the Exchange of Ideas and Emotions is Essential for Humans

A recent study provides fascinating insights into the evolution of human consciousness. Surprisingly, the research suggests that our consciousness did >>>

was your
first thought
this morning?

N° 36

Investment in the Future: VR Gives Wings and Accelerates Developments

Innovation and efficiency are redefining our work life, and one thing is clear: traditional educational approaches are often no longer sufficient. >>>

Claudia Gilhofer
23. August 2018

How Does Your Brand Feel?

Imagine your brand is a symphony of visual, tonal, and behavioral components. Who sets the tone? Or does your orchestra play without accompaniment? Even without authenticity? Why are these components so important? Because it’s true: your brand is a symphony, and a discordant one rarely finds a loyal audience.

Identity – the backbone of a brand.

Who are you really? How well do you know yourself? Without wishful thinking, but realistically: what truly distinguishes you? What does your brand stand for, and why does it do what it does, how it does it, and for what purpose? Anyone who can’t answer these questions distinctly is the biggest stumbling block to their own development. Who can afford that nowadays?

Replace ‘people’ with ‘brands’ in Ernst Ferstl’s quote, and you’ll find the most sensitive point of brand management: “People with a backbone also show their straightness in the curves of life.” Exactly. Strong brands have an unmistakable character and a strong identity. No ifs or buts. Even when the wind changes direction.

Who’s conducting?
The heart, the mind, gut feeling?
Or is it the wind that decides the direction?

If you don’t know who’s playing where and the fur is flying in the orchestra pit, you probably won’t give a good performance. In the audience are employees, partners, customers… all the people who come into contact with your brand. Every experience matters. Unfortunately, bad experiences tend to stick around longer, while good ones are better for business. Those who fine-tune from the ground up spare themselves this nightmare. Why a nightmare? Because brands only exist in people’s minds. Those who don’t reflect and can’t put themselves in others’ shoes will find out much too late or never what image is forming in people’s minds and which of their wishes and needs remain unfulfilled. This costs time and money. Empathy is not only the currency of the future but also one of the most important tools in brand management.

What to do? Sharpen your senses and question what experiences you create, how messages are received, and what forms they take – without direction, it can sometimes really hurt ; )



Never lose sight of the most important thing: stay authentic.

To sharpen your senses, an external perspective is the most helpful. It not only leads to better results but also good vibes. For you and everyone you come into contact with. Happiness and contentment are closely linked to the economy. That’s what we should work on: let’s talk and play it serious  . . .







never stop evolving.
stay human.

[ Communication | Human | Brand ]




gil com | creative identity and beyond
For connecting communication + promoting personal growth, brand authenticity, a motivating corporate culture, and opening up new spaces for creative thinking.

Claudia Gilhofer:
Creative Planner, Communication Psychologist in Training, Systemic Business Coach, Facilitator, Mentor, Sparring Partner, VR Expert (XR-C)




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