Why the Exchange of Ideas and Emotions is Essential for Humans

A recent study provides fascinating insights into the evolution of human consciousness. Surprisingly, the research suggests that our consciousness did >>>

does your
take you?

Scope for thought

N° 31

Investment in the Future: VR Gives Wings and Accelerates Developments

Innovation and efficiency are redefining our work life, and one thing is clear: traditional educational approaches are often no longer sufficient. >>>

Leading with Empathy

Let’s start a thought experiment: Imagine a company as a living organism that continuously adapts and evolves with changes. How can >>>

will you do
today than

N° 106

Why the Exchange of Ideas and Emotions is Essential for Humans

A recent study provides fascinating insights into the evolution of human consciousness. Surprisingly, the research suggests that our consciousness did >>>

Investment in the Future: VR Gives Wings and Accelerates Developments

Innovation and efficiency are redefining our work life, and one thing is clear: traditional educational approaches are often no longer sufficient. >>>

Claudia Gilhofer
5. February 2021

My Productivity Hack

Idon’t know about you, but I find it all too easy to get pulled out of the tunnel of productivity when something exciting pops up elsewhere. An even greater challenge arises when unfinished tasks start piling up to the ceiling, it seems. Once you’ve lost track, the self-imposed pressure can soar even higher. 

I’ve tried many things and discarded many: what works for others may not work for me

There are many tools, methods, and recommendations for increasing productivity, but even more diverse individuals. Each of us operates differently. Those who discover what supports and hinders them, under what circumstances they are productive, and when they start procrastinating, have already taken the most crucial step toward achieving their goals.

Do Your Own Thing

It’s becoming increasingly challenging to resist the countless distractions. For example, the latest app, Clubhouse, is one of them, where you can completely lose yourself – what a huge procrastination trap! To withstand the many temptations, I tried to outsmart myself and opened a room. The goal wasn’t the conversation but to work in silence, focused, productive, and without distraction to reap better results in the end. It worked. Just once.

By now, there are many rooms on Clubhouse that follow the desire for silence and productivity rather than engaging in diverse discussions. An interesting development. I’m back to following my proven strategy – it works wonders. Always. As long as Ludovico Einaudi plays, my flow runs like the salivation of Pavlov’s dog. Conditioned response, so to speak  😉

How It Can Succeed

I don’t want an app that pesters me with push notifications. I work with my Inspired Planning Guide. It’s always in my line of sight and visualizes whether and how committed I am to pursuing my goal. Moreover, it addresses the most important questions first.

At the moment, only the German version is available for download >> Inspired Planning Guide 2021
Please write to me, and I will be happy to send you the English version. ber. But please don’t forget to schedule enough rest and distraction phases!



I wish you much joy, success, and a healthy dose of ease!



Claudia Gilhofer



Never stop evolving.
Stay human.

[ Communication | Human | Brand ]




gil com | creative identity and beyond
For connecting communication + promoting personal growth, brand authenticity, a motivating corporate culture, and opening up new spaces for creative thinking.

Claudia Gilhofer:
Creative Planner, Communication Psychologist in Training, Systemic Business Coach, Facilitator, Mentor, Sparring Partner, VR Expert (XR-C)




// Write to me







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