Authentische Markenführung mit kleinem Budget – wie gelingt’s?

  Authentizität. Ach ja, ein überstrapazierter Begriff. Insbesondere bei Unternehmensdarstellungen erleben wir, dass Wunsch und Wirklichkeit nicht immer Hand in >>>

Do you
take time for
as well?

Scope for thought

N° 37

Line of Attitude

Attitude profoundly shapes our professional and social lives. It goes beyond an individual decision—it develops in the tension between personal >>>

Matter of Perspective

In the creative industry, we draw from a diverse range of skills to make the impossible possible, develop differentiating ideas, >>>

Authentische Markenführung mit kleinem Budget – wie gelingt’s?

  Authentizität. Ach ja, ein überstrapazierter Begriff. Insbesondere bei Unternehmensdarstellungen erleben wir, dass Wunsch und Wirklichkeit nicht immer Hand in >>>

How much
can you

N° 32

Line of Attitude

Attitude profoundly shapes our professional and social lives. It goes beyond an individual decision—it develops in the tension between personal >>>

Claudia Gilhofer
8. August 2024

Time to Listen

How often do we take the time to listen? I mean, how often do we take the time to really listen to others? Who do we give more attention to? Our conversation partners? Or everything else around us? Is the smartphone within reach? How long can we resist if it’s not? Are we aware of what we miss due to distractions? Are we aware of what we miss in our interpersonal relationships?

Do we engage in conscious conversations? How often do we truly strive for this? How often do we fail to express ourselves in a way that ensures we are understood? Do we notice when we are just talking to ourselves instead of having a real dialogue? Do we recognize when we are already busy formulating our next response in our heads instead of listening to others? How much patience do we have?

How do we reflect on our own behavior in dealing with others? Do we even do this? How often do we focus on ourselves instead of truly engaging with our conversation partners? How difficult is it for us to be present?

What would change if we listened more consciously? How could our interpersonal connections improve? How could we foster mutual understanding? How does our attention influence the dynamics of a conversation? How does the course of a conversation change when there is a lack of attention? Are we aware of the role of nonverbal communication? How well do we understand our own emotions in dealing with others? Do we feel comfortable in our own skin? Can we remain authentic and truly embrace who we are?

What if we had the courage to take more time again to better understand ourselves and others?


Do you take the time?


// Write to me


With best Wishes

Claudia Gilhofer



Never stop evolving.
Stay human.

[ Communication | Human | Brand ]




gil com | creative identity and beyond
For connecting communication + promoting personal growth, brand authenticity, a motivating corporate culture, and opening up new spaces for creative thinking.

Claudia Gilhofer:
Creative Planner, Communication Psychologist in Training, Systemic Business Coach, Facilitator, Mentor, Sparring Partner, VR Expert (XR-C)






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