Authentische Markenführung mit kleinem Budget – wie gelingt’s?

  Authentizität. Ach ja, ein überstrapazierter Begriff. Insbesondere bei Unternehmensdarstellungen erleben wir, dass Wunsch und Wirklichkeit nicht immer Hand in >>>

Line of Attitude

Attitude profoundly shapes our professional and social lives. It goes beyond an individual decision—it develops in the tension between personal >>>

How much
do you

Scope for thought

N° 81

Matter of Perspective

In the creative industry, we draw from a diverse range of skills to make the impossible possible, develop differentiating ideas, >>>

Authentische Markenführung mit kleinem Budget – wie gelingt’s?

  Authentizität. Ach ja, ein überstrapazierter Begriff. Insbesondere bei Unternehmensdarstellungen erleben wir, dass Wunsch und Wirklichkeit nicht immer Hand in >>>

do you

N° 66

Line of Attitude

Attitude profoundly shapes our professional and social lives. It goes beyond an individual decision—it develops in the tension between personal >>>

Wie schreiben wir unser Morgen?
Claudia Gilhofer
2. January 2024

How do we create our tomorrow?

On a blank sheet of paper? Symbolizing all the possibilities that the new year holds? What story will we write? In what colors will we paint our dreams?

What about the significant challenges ahead of us? What small steps do we take today to shape tomorrow? Into which futures do we want to gaze? What memories do we want to create? What experiences do we want to share? From when do we listen attentively?

Can we empathize with perspectives of others, build connections, and appreciate the diversity of experiences? How can we emphasize common values and foster constructive dialogues? Do we collectively want to shape a world characterized by respect, tolerance, and collaboration?

How do we encourage ourselves and others to constantly question our own beliefs? To what extent can an open discussion about different views contribute to developing a deeper understanding for one another? What can we do to harvest flourishing futures? Can nations collaborate on global futures based on the principles of humanity?

How can we protect individual freedoms while emphasizing the common ground of humanism? How do we find balance between personal autonomy and collective responsibility? Can we promote an inclusive and diverse community through dialogue about differences?

How can we collaboratively shape a world where the well-being of all people is at the forefront?



Happy 2024!
What stories do we want to write?

Claudia Gilhofer



Never stop evolving.
Stay human.

[ Communication | Human | Brand ]




gil com | creative identity and beyond
For connecting communication + promoting personal growth, brand authenticity, a motivating corporate culture, and opening up new spaces for creative thinking.

Claudia Gilhofer:
Creative Planner, Communication Psychologist in Training, Systemic Business Coach, Facilitator, Mentor, Sparring Partner, VR Expert (XR-C)



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