How much
is in

Scope for thought

N° 98

Why the Exchange of Ideas and Emotions is Essential for Humans

A recent study provides fascinating insights into the evolution of human consciousness. Surprisingly, the research suggests that our consciousness did >>>

Investment in the Future: VR Gives Wings and Accelerates Developments

Innovation and efficiency are redefining our work life, and one thing is clear: traditional educational approaches are often no longer sufficient. >>>

Leading with Empathy

Let’s start a thought experiment: Imagine a company as a living organism that continuously adapts and evolves with changes. How can >>>

What do you

N° 80

Why the Exchange of Ideas and Emotions is Essential for Humans

A recent study provides fascinating insights into the evolution of human consciousness. Surprisingly, the research suggests that our consciousness did >>>

Investment in the Future: VR Gives Wings and Accelerates Developments

Innovation and efficiency are redefining our work life, and one thing is clear: traditional educational approaches are often no longer sufficient. >>>

Zertifizierte Weiterbildung zum Future Manager / Zukunftsinstitut
Claudia Gilhofer
10. March 2024

Beyond the Present: Future Managers Navigate Through a Multitude of Futures

In our world, which is constantly and often unexpectedly changing, the ability to contemplate diverse future scenarios is becoming crucial. This competence not only enables us to take targeted actions here and now but also to proactively lay the foundations for our future realities and start actively shaping them.


The Power of Future Management

The key insights and methods imparted during my training as a Future Manager at Zukunftsinstitut provide a comprehensive basis for shaping future possibilities, not only on a personal level but also for the entire organization. A key element of this training was the realization that continuous education and personal development are essential to remain successful in a dynamic world. These insights enable innovative questioning and making bold, future-oriented decisions. Engaging with mega trends and incorporating sustainability principles into stratagies pave the way for resilient and value-creating paths for organizations and businesses.


Navigating the Diversity of Futures

Steering beyond the present requires the ability to recognize, understand, and respond to various scenarios. This perceptiveness enables us to act proactively and consciously shape futures with focus and direction.


Tools und Methods: Beyond Simple Instruments

The application of systemic tools and methods, such as the powerful ‘Lazy Eight,’ the Business Map, the PWLG data matrix, and scenario analysis, not only provides deep insights into potential future scenarios but also sharpens our understanding of dynamic interactions within groups and markets. These tools allow us to decipher complex systems and make strategic decisions based on a solid foundation.

However, the true power of tools and methods is fully realized only through personal experience and application. This detailed insight into the processes and the associated human experiences during my training enables me to effectively support and guide others.


Laying the Foundation: Megatrends and Sustainability

A crucial aspect of future management is a profound understanding of the role of megatrends and their long-term impact on strategic directions. Integrating sustainability aspects into planning is not just an ethical obligation but also a key to long-term success. Understanding these trends and proactively responding to them allows us to develop strategies that align economic, social, and environmental values, thus laying the foundation for companies and organizations that are successful today and can endure in the future.


The Core Skills of a Future Manager

To make an impact as a Future Manager, a mix of curiosity, creative imagination, strategic thinking, and the ability to understand systems is required. Empathy is a crucial factor that takes into account the human dimension of shaping futures and develops solutions that are not only technically sound but also comprehensible and implementable on a human level.


The Future Starts Now

Through my training as a Future Manager, I’ve gained crucial insights that pave the way for bold decisions towards futures that are not only imaginable but also desirable.

In my range of activities, which combines creativity, strategy, communication, and psychological understanding, I place great importance on continuously evolving and acquiring new knowledge. A pivotal moment in the training deepened my understanding of the essential importance of clear, targeted communication for the success of any organization. The ability to create a shared understanding and a unified vision proves to be an indispensable foundation for effective team building and the development of a strong organizational identity – for shaping shared, desirable futures.

No organization should miss out on integrating a Future Manager into their team! With this in mind, I invite you to join me in looking beyond the present and opening up a multitude of opportunities.



Are you ready to co-shape the future?


// Write to me


Claudia Gilhofer



Never stop evolving.
Stay human.

[ Communication | Human | Brand ]




gil com | creative identity and beyond
For connecting communication + promoting personal growth, brand authenticity, a motivating corporate culture, and opening up new spaces for creative thinking.

Claudia Gilhofer:
Creative Planner, Communication Psychologist in Training, Systemic Business Coach, Facilitator, Mentor, Sparring Partner, VR Expert (XR-C)








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